Archie Costello

Who is Archie?

  • Is he the "bad guy" in this story?  
  • Do you agree with his actions?

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  1. Archie is like the manipulator. He manipulates everyone to do what he wants. (Am I right?)

    I think that he is a bad guy because he is the leader of the Vigils and he plans those Vigil assignments like he told Goober to unscrew the tables and chairs.

    Does anyone know what punishment will the students who disobey him get?

    1. In my opinion, the member that will disobey Archie will be remove in the group.

    2. How about students like Jerry who doesn't belong to the group? What are they going to do to him?

    3. The vigils will make them suffer like what they did with jerry. When jerry's disobey the vigils they block mail him, call to his house every night and destroyed her things specialy his locker. Even the whole school was against with jerry because of the vigils.

  2. Remember that Archie is not actually the leader. Carter is. Yet, what does that tell us if Carter is the "named president," but Archie holds all of the power?

    1. Archie is the assigner of The Vigils yet most of them rely on him. On the other hand, Carter is the president because he posseses the must-have strength of that of one. I believe that Archie runs The Vigils because of his brilliant mind. He is smart and wise at giving tasks to the students of Trinity. It isn't our status that which define what kind of a person we are. Our strengths and weaknesses are apparent to others no matter what. Carter may have had the title of the president but Archie is the one acting like real one.

  3. Interesting . . . much like many real life politicians I imagine. There's always the mastermind . . . Is there any point in the book where Carter does show his authority though?

    1. He puts Archie on probation until the sale is over. That is because after Frankie Rollo offended The Vigils, they had realized Jerry's threat to their organization. Carter got mad at Archie for letting it happen and for getting involve in the sale. He decided it was right to punish Archie by putting him on probation. That shows that Carter is still above Archie even if he acts the mastermind.

    2. He puts Archie on probation until the sale is over. Carter got mad when Frankie Rollo offended The Vigils. That proved that Renault has become a threat to their organization. He blamed Archie for getting involve in the sale. That was how he decided to put him on probation. Even though Archie is the mastermind, Carter still shows authority and superiority above him.

  4. Based on the movie that we watch today while he is assigning Archie has a good side too. He is concern about Jerry based on the tone of his voice and expression on his face. Don't you guys think that so too?

  5. I think for me he is really a bad guy, I think it was just the expression of his voice. If he really is a good guy he will not assign anything to jerry, he even make it big because his the one who start the boxing fight where everyone suffered.

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  7. I think Archie is a bad guy, no doubt.

    However, I think something bad happened to him, that affected him mentally, in the past. This makes him do bad things to others to make them feel what he felt.

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  9. In my first post I said that he is a bad guy. Now, I think that he's not so bad, he is just selfish. He gives the students assignments so he will not be removed from The Vigils. I think he planned the fight between Jerry and Emile to make history in the school and to look great/clever to everybody especially to John Carter so he won't removed him from Vigils.

  10. Archie is afraid of being the victim so he victimizes anyone in sight. He is a con, he said so himself. Archie is pretty intelligent, however, he's using it in a wrong way. Boys are boys after all, they do the what they call "cool" or what's "in" kind of actions nowadays and even in the past. They prove themselves to their fellow guys just so they could be praised and not be underestimated by them.

  11. I don't agree in your opinion. In what I saw he is a good guy. Archie is just influence by brother Leon. He also has the responsibility to protect the Vigils and it's members. In what I believe there is no bad guy who hates violence.

  12. He is a smart guy. He plays around. He is playing safe, he agreed to sell chocolate because he know that he has the power.

  13. No doubt Archie is a complicated guy. What kind of job do you think he would have when he's older?

    1. Archie could be a politician someday as he possesses a trait of one. He's intelligent and quick. He always finds a way out of the worst situations. Also, he shows power and authority.

    2. A lawyer! because he has the guts to do lies, and he is capable of that job. He can manipulate people.

    3. Maybe an owner of his own company because I think he can manage many companies like in the book he can manipulate many people all at once or a CEO in a company because he can solve any problem and he is good at playing mind games maybe he can do it so other company invest in their company.

    4. Archie can be a Con Artist. He is good at manipulating people. He can also be a mafia boss because, even though he is weak and hate violence maybe in future he comes to like it. Maybe he has gotten use of bullying people then practice to make himself strong and make people obey him.


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