Metaphors & Similes

As you noticed from our chapter 1 assignment, this novel is rich with heavy language.  Record either metaphors or similes that you find in the novel after chapter 1.  Quote and comment upon them.  
Note the following example from chapter 1:

I've never understood football.  Jerry tries makes the football team in chapter 1, yet the way it's described, I'll never get why anyone would ever want to play.  After Jerry is told he can come back to practice the following day, Jerry experiences the following:  "As Jerry took another deep breath, a pain appeared, distant, small--a radar signal of distress.  Bleep, I'm here.  Pain" (5).  The narrator uses a metaphor, comparing some kind of ship's radar signal to Jerry's body's signal for pain.  He's putting himself at risk.  Why does he want to feel this pain?


  1. "Goober gulped and nodded. His throat was dry." (pg.57)

    "Goober, the frog, gulped and nodded. His throat was as dry as a desert." (pg.57)

  2. "The coach's voice scraped like sandpaper against his ears."
    *he is comparing the voice and a sandpaper

  3. "Sweat moved like small moist bugs on his forehead".

    *the sweat and the small moist bugs

  4. "His ribs hurt, his entire left side was on fire."

    *the hurt and was on fire

    1. Have you ever felt so hurt that you were "on fire?" Either emotionally or physically?

    2. Yes! When I cried the whole night and I didn't even sleep, I felt that my eyes burning. Also my heart because of the reason why I cried. It affects me physically and emotionally.

  5. Remember to put the page numbers everyone!

  6. The summons looked like a ransom note--letters cut out of a newspaper or magazine.

    The summons and a ransom note.

    Pg. 166

  7. Carter and Jerry collided like a street accident.
    The collided and a street accident.

  8. "...the teacher said, hanging back as if he were trying to fade into the background..."

  9. "...squeezing the words out of himself like toothpaste from a tube."

    pg. 157

  10. " He lifted his head and scanned the field as if he were figuring out what to do next. "

    -Page 190-

  11. " No one had ever applauded Brian Cochran before and he felt like a football hero, of all things. "

    -Page 201-

  12. Oh these are great! Maybe some of you will be able to use some for your essays.


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