The Trinity Teachers

Ok, be kind!  Those Trinity teachers aren't that bad, are they?  
Let's discuss!
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  1. Who also thinks Brother Leon was a very mean teacher? I do. Anyone agrees?

  2. Yes I agree. he is also the main cause of Jerry's tragic beatings, and instead of teaching his students, he exploits them for his personal gain.

  3. I agree too! He is a corrupt teacher.
    Actually, he supports the Vigils even though they are the bullies because he knows that they will help him to sell the chocolates.

    Is he the only teacher who handles the chocolate sale? Is/are there any teacher/s involved in the sale?

  4. I don't know but, were on the same side he always play mind trick on his student.

    what will happen to the profit of the chocolate now that they doubled the prize and saving some money for the field trip?

  5. Good question about the profits.
    Brother Leon wants power and recognition. Now that the principal is sick, he wants to step in and make his mark. To a certain extent, isn't that what we all want, though? Don't we want to achieve a certain level of success and be honoured for our efforts? Should we condemn Leon for wanting what we all want?

  6. "Leon has gone crazy!" Many of you said today in class. Yet remember, he's going to lose his job and lose a ton of money if he doesn't sell the chocolates. Doesn't that warrant some extreme action?

  7. In the movie that we watch today don't you guys think that Leon is over protective of his position as sub principal of the school? He doesn't even care if it's student or teacher all he wants to do is what he wants to do doesn't it?

    1. As Ms. Perl said, he has the right to be desperate because his job is on the line. I think this is just human nature.

  8. As we all know brother leon saw the boxing fight, but why instead of stopping the student all he does was stare? What think do you is the reason behind this?

    1. I think it's because he wants to see Jerry being beaten up because Jerry is an enemy to him or he should not be there and no one should see him.

  9. I believe that Brother Leon is the true antagonist in the story. He's the adult, who shoul've known what is right and what is wrong. Brother Leon tolerated The Vigils and even acknowledged their existence. At some point in the story, Archie's and Brother Leon's identity are the same. They both uses psychological terrorism to the students at Trinity.Although, One cannot say who is worse than who. After all, we're all humans, we don't have the right to judge because we sin differently than others.

  10. I agree, but he still in wrong. Just like what you said "he is an adult". He should just stop the fight between Jerry and Emile. He was watching the fight between them. he is doing nothing but to watch and enjoying himself.

  11. All of the school has a principal, could anyone please help me. What is the name of the principal?

  12. Oh, I don't think they actually say his name. They just call him "The Head." Am I wrong?

    1. Thank you miss, but is there any specific character that he has? that says in the book?


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