The Vigils

Shhhhhh!  We're not supposed to talk about them, but everyone knows who they are and what they do.  Now's our time to expose them!  
Discuss all Vigil members, assignments, and decisions.  
***Make sure you write the page number you refer to***


  1. Replies
    1. Maybe because they do bad stuffs, like what they did in the class room they told Goober to unscrew the chairs, table, and the board

    2. They are known for what they are capable of doing. The Vigils rule the school and what they do is none of anyone's business. Except the fact that they threat students and force them to do some bad deeds on their behalf. For instance, bullies in school are not exposed because they somehow threat students to not say a word about them. The same action applies to The Vigils. I hope this help you guys. :)

  2. The vigils stands for vigilante because they are secret group of student that rules the school. Nobody knows who they are and what they are planning. No one can oppose them because they are very cautious of what they are doing. That why almost all of the student body are afraid of them.

  3. Replies
    1. Yes, they are bullies because they choose to give assignments to weak students.

      That's why they chose Goober to do Brother Eugene's room assignment because they know that he will not complain, he is scared of them and he doesn't want trouble.

  4. Interesting--and scary--thought, Michael. Yet aren't they simply a form of entertainment as well? I mean if I had been a student in Brother Eugene's room when it all fell apart I would think that was hilarious! I mean they're not really harming anyone, are they?

    1. The Vigils kept things under control. Without The Vigils, Trinity might have been torn apart like other schools had been, by demonstrations, protests, all that crap. These are what I like about the Vigils. Yes they make some bad works, but I think these bad works that they do make the Trinity more unite and strong.So for me they are not really that bad :)

  5. Obie is the secretary of The Vigils.

    How does he helps The vigils?
    Give an example how he helps them.

    Pg. 148

    1. I think he knows all the information about the students that they will victimize, like he knows whats there weaknesses so that they know how to threat them (just a thought)

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I think what the Vigils are doing about "keeping the school under control" is striking fear onto every student in the school. This is why the assignments are a "tradition." This is to make the students submit to the school.

  7. I don't think I can agree in your opinion. They are keeping the school in piece, but they always abuse their power. which is why if I am studying there I will go transfer to the other school. Their tradition is very unfair. Who gives them the right to do that?

  8. what i mean in the second sentence is "peace" not piece.

  9. I think both words "piece" and "peace" could work in this sense. Both bring a different, yet interesting, meaning to that sentence.


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